A land of massive open spaces where it is barely worth looking out of the plane window most of the time. Apart from Ayer's Rock the only interesting bits are around the edge. Pics in Mikes round the world tour.

Adelaide:- A very nice city with a huge park in the middle separating the main commercial area and the main socialising area. The social area is superb with lots of variety. The local speciality is a sort of pea soup. Opinion was divided. Everyone is very friendly but be warned it is deeply unfashionable to wear bright clothes here. However goatee beards are very in fashion so it is definitely them who are wrong! The commercial area also has good restaurants and a small red light area with naked strip joints is seamlessly integrated so that you would barely notice it in day time. Shopping is excellent, although not particularly cheap. Plenty of gizit shops. Opposite City Hall is a hotel with superb live music. An afternoon at the Aussie Rules Footie is worth it, even if you have no real interest in sport.

Barrossa Valley:- An hours drive N and worth the effort to do a tour of the vineyards. Some really superb wines and ports at very reasonable prices. One has 'roos and emus as well. Jacob’s Creek is a rather horrible looking little stream at the moment, but a sign says they are going to sort it out.

Darwin:- A tiny place not really worth its standing in international eyes, it’s just that there is nowhere else for a hell of a long way.

Glenelg:- Fairly nice seaside town. A tram runs to and from Adelaide. Faintly reminiscent of Skegness!

Port Adelaide:- Further up the coast from Glenelg. There is a fantastic view of Adelaide across the airport when you are half way between the two. All the old buildings are made of different coloured stones and are nicely renovated. With the wide boulevard streets it is quite picturesque, but it was also totally dead. I felt it may well be a top place in a few years once a bit of life has returned now the renovation is finished.

RAAF Edinburgh:- 20 miles N of Adelaide, home to Australia's P3s. Minimal facilities for living. Transit on a par with RAF 10 years ago. Outside toilet block. Work facilities good and people very helpful.