Similarly spectacular from the air as Greenland only less white. Once on the ground most of it is pretty barren and rocky with not much growing. Tends to be wet and cold and does not snow as much as you might expect. I’ve never actually been outside Keflavik

Keflavik:- US air base with P3s and F15s plus plenty of visitors. I believe there is one bush somewhere on the base. Made famous in the Tom Clancy book Red Storm Rising. I managed to get mildly sunburnt here once by laying out on the pan all day without turning over once. It was so hot that week that they declared a special national holiday. Seriously! The NEX is excellent but a bit prone to running out of various items. There is a good bowl, taxis, commissary and all the other good stuff you’d expect except a good golf course or course!
Mikes tips:- Various squadron bars can be found in the blocks which will usually stay open after hours if you are friendly with the right people.